Become a retailer - B2B

We deliver quality products, created with dedication and care. We want to work closely with selected stores that share the same interest. If you want to sell Case Copenhagen bags, please contact us at :

Case Copenhagen because:

Private Label - Collaboration

If you’re interested in a private label partnership, that’s also an option. We offer a version of our bags as an exclusive product that will be proudly used by the recipient. With a nice logo tag on the bag with your name and logo, you brand your company through a quality product that matches your company profile.

It will be a great tool for your employees. They can use the bag for everyday life, business trips, private sports and weekend trips. Your employees feel valued and will always remember where they got the bag from. The logo will of course follow your design manual.

In addition to being a work tool for your employees, you can also use the bag for:

For more information and appointments, contact Henrik Frederiksen here: or call: +45 26 250 255

Best regards Karina & Henrik

Invite Case Copenhagen to an employee event.

We treat you to a staff sale and great discounts.

All it takes is a date in your calendar. You provide a space for us to stand. We’ll take care of the rest. In our experience, 2 hours is adequate. We look forward to visiting you. When is the right time?